Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Promises, Promises

I've been thinking about the blog and what to do. I'm promising you that I'll at least write here once a week. Any more than that and I worry about burn out.

...and there needs to be time to work on art and the mundane not-so-trivialities.

I'm hemming an altar cloth by hand in preparation for embroidering the center of it for Hekate. I'm also working on a special beading project that shall remain un-named until they're given to their respective owners after The Rite of Her Sacred Fires.

Last night was the New Moon and today is Hekate's festival of the New Month. I had a migraine take me out of the picture yesterday, so I did the barest minimum of what I have promised Her and then adjourned for the night. I feel much better today.

I'm slowly rearranging the house and clearing out a lot of gear that I just don't use. The process also clears out a lot of energy, which is always good.

On that note, I should get back to work, poking through things and finding them new homes, whether that be at a donation center or with friends.

May She light your way,

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